Soma Therapy is a mental health private practice that specializes in a variety of issues. These issues include chronic depression and anxiety, relationship problems, trauma and integrated mental health. We provide innovative and effective trauma therapy treatments. Our integrated approaches that cannot be found collaboratively in other group practices in Wichita. Finally, we seek to serve ALL in Wichita and offer allied services for our local LGBTQ+ community as well as the under-served, including Spanish speakers.

What’s unique about Soma Therapy:
A Balanced Treatment Approach
We offer a balanced and integrated treatment approach with validated treatments. These treatments include interpersonal, family and group therapy, nutritional counseling and dietetics, trauma-informed yoga. Also, we offer Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, EMDR, Internal Family Systems therapy, Systemic therapies and Somatic experiencing. Using these types of therapy, our clients learn mood regulation, find meaning and purpose. Consequently, clients also develop a healthy, strong sense of confidence in themselves and in their relationships with others. We value empowering our clients through collaboration, activism, and in cultivating their healthy sense of self and gifts.
Our Providers are Wounded Healers
Soma believes in hiring “wounded healers.” In other words, our providers can speak freely about their own recovery journey with their clients. In turn, the client and the provider connect on healing their own trauma in a safe, professional and clinically meaningful way. We “practice what we preach” and hope to inspire clients as we are living examples of the healing that can happen.
We believe in our own ongoing journey of healing. Learning about innovative therapy methods is important to us as well. Similarly, creating the most up-to-date and effective treatment practices possible for the client is extremely important.
Our Treatment isn’t One-Sided
Soma’s staff is committed to shared treatment in which each client feels heard, valued and included in the healing process. We hold weekly team meetings to team up with staff. This ensures that we are all working toward each client’s specific goals. We teach and empower clients to speak and have a voice in their therapy process.
No Pressure
Soma does not believe in pressuring clients to give up their disorders, substance abuse, depression or anxiety. We do not pressure to fix their traumas or any issues they are not ready to fix. Instead, we support clients in achieving their own physical and emotional health goals. We meet them at their current stage of change and go from there.
Well-Rounded Treatment
Soma Therapy believes in full recovery and transformation from any mental health concerns. Furthermore, it is our understanding that when clients begin to experience life without their mental health concern, their therapy journey takes on a life of its own.
We believe in nourishing and empowering their healthy selves. This helps them rediscover and find grace in all of their parts; everything belongs.
Flexible Scheduling
We’ve created flexibility in our therapy options to get rid of disruptions to your work, school and family lives. We strive to help people find healing in their current way of life.
Our staff Also Embodies these important principles:
Courageous leadership:
We believe in being open, present, ready to ask ourselves hard questions and admit our own mistakes.
We believe in kind, clear communication and boundaries as well as a spirit of generosity. In other words, we like to assume the best first about a person or situation instead of the worst.
Ongoing learning:
We believe that we are all on an endless journey of learning and growing.
We believe that we must fully be ourselves and continue growing in order to be in a good relationship. Moreover, we also believe in growing not only with ourselves, but throughout our work with clients but with team members as well.
It is important that we maintain our integrity and speak up when we disagree with something. We must respond to other’s integrity with kindness, curiosity and a desire to understand their point of view.
Self of the Practitioner:
We believe in being able to reflect on ourselves and engage in the work that we expect of our clients.
We believe in getting peer supervision when needed and in supporting one another in our practice.
If you or a loved one is struggling with any mental health issues, please contact us today to get a compassionate and thorough intake so we can connect you with the best services possible. Hope is just a phone call away! (316) 201-6047 or contact us here.