Advanced Resolutions Therapy

You may feel like you’re in a constant state of panic and anxiety, or that you’re always on edge. Maybe you have trouble sleeping and experiencing flashbacks or nightmares. This can be incredibly debilitating and difficult to manage, but it’s not hopeless—there are treatment options out there that can help. Advanced Resolutions Therapy is one such option that uses holistic techniques to address PTSD symptoms at their source and allow survivors to regain control of their lives again.

Advanced Resolutions Therapy can help you overcome post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a syndrome that can develop after living through or witnessing a traumatic event. The traumatic event could be a serious accident, rape, assault, robbery and other crimes. It can also happen as a result of military service like combat exposure. The symptoms of PTSD include:

  • Re-experiencing the trauma in your thoughts or dreams over and over again
  • Avoiding situations that remind you of the trauma
  • Having problems sleeping because you are replaying the event in your head while asleep or having nightmares about it

PTSD affects people’s relationships with friends and partners at work life in general

Advanced Resolutions Therapy is a holistic approach to treatment that allows survivors of psychological trauma to heal from the past, gain control of their lives in the present, and free themselves from post-traumatic stress symptoms.

Advanced Resolutions Therapy is a holistic approach to treatment that allows survivors of psychological trauma to heal from the past, gain control of their lives in the present, and free themselves from post-traumatic stress symptoms. The “holistic” approach refers to a treatment that addresses the mind, body and spirit. It’s been used for many years by many different cultures around the globe.

The founder of Advanced Resolutions Therapy is Dr. David Emerson II who has over 30 years experience as a psychologist specializing in trauma recovery and trauma resolution therapy. He received his Doctorate degree from John F Kennedy University in Berkeley California where he also taught graduate courses for 12 years.

Advanced Resolutions Therapy is grounded in the principle that the body, mind, and spirit must be treated at their deepest levels if healing is to be lasting and complete.

The body, mind and spirit are all connected. This is a principle that has been demonstrated time and time again in both ancient and modern medicine.

Advanced Resolutions Therapy is grounded in the principle that the body, mind, and spirit must be treated at their deepest levels if healing is to be lasting and complete. It goes beyond conventional medical treatments by incorporating holistic methods that address not only your physical symptoms but also the underlying causes of disease such as poor diet or emotional trauma.

Advanced Resolutions Therapy offers methods for managing emotional triggers, replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, and healing on every level as you learn new skills to help you keep your life on track.

Advanced Resolutions Therapy (ART) is an approach to trauma therapy that uses a variety of methods to address the needs of the whole person. This can include holistic healing on every level, replacing negative self-talk with positive affirmations, and learning new skills that help you manage your emotions and keep your life on track.

ART takes into account how memories and experiences affect both our physical health and overall well-being in ways we’re not always aware of. In some cases, these memories may not be stored as explicit memories but rather as implicit ones—meaning they’re still there but subconsciously influencing how we act and feel without our awareness. These kinds of unconscious influences can lead to negative behaviors like overeating or substance abuse. ART works to uncover these hidden issues so they can be addressed directly through treatment sessions or activities designed specifically for each client’s needs.


The bottom line is that Advanced Resolutions Therapy is a way of life. It’s not just about treating symptoms or dealing with specific issues like PTSD; it’s about giving your entire being the tools to heal itself. By focusing on all aspects of health, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being, this method can help anyone find peace and balance in their lives.