Psychiatric Medication Management

Wichita psychiatrists or psychiatric nurse practitioners of psychopharmacology provide medication management and assessments. This can all sound daunting for someone who has never taken medication, so let’s explain exactly what that means. Many people are not sure if medication is the best option for their mental health symptoms. Psychiatric evaluations by a compassionate, well-informed practitioner can really help ease worry and concerns. When things are explained clearly and honestly, we are much more likely to be open with our provider.

We Perform a Psychiatric Evaluation

We are physical beings. Similar to needing to go to the doctor to get a physical, it’s also important to get evaluations from time-to-time of our mental health. During a psychiatric evaluation, our providers will look at both mind and body symptoms to treat you as a whole person. We want to really understand your concerns and what types of symptoms are bothering you.

After the initial assessment, the provider will walk you through a treatment plan designed with your specific needs in mind. If it is in the client’s best interest to try psychiatric medication, the provider will then walk you through it. Specifically, the medication’s effects, potential side-effects, usage and course of treatment. Moreover, they will decide if they expect to start you on a small dosage and then build from there or use other medications in conjunction with it.

If the client agrees with this treatment plan, this medication is prescribed for a small amount of time as a trial period to see how effective it is. After that, the provider will monitor the medication’s effectiveness over time and consistently update treatment plans. If the treatment is successful so far, they will keep them the same as long was they meet the client’s goals.

Every person is unique. There is usually some experimentation time for every course of treatment. The effectiveness of each treatment varies from person-to-person. We recommend that client’s who seek psychiatric medication management for mental health purposes also work with a therapist. Although it’s not a requirement, having someone that you can trust and connect with will help with holistic healing.

We Provide Holistic, Mental Health Medication Management

At Soma Therapy, we provide psych medication management that is holistic. That means that instead of solely prescribing psychotropic medications, we may also look at natural supplements or dietary changes that may benefit the mental health issue. Sometimes the treatment plan includes ALL of these changes. For instance, if a client is struggling with major anxiety but is drinking 6 cups of coffee a day, we may see what happens with limiting caffeine intake or a combination of nutrition, magnesium supplements, and if needed anti-anxiety medications. We want to make sure we are not solely putting a bandaid on your concerns and really treating the issue at it’s source.

Mental Health Medication Management includes but not limited to:

  • Medication for Depression
  • Medication for Anxiety

Please call us at 316-201-6047 or contact us here today with questions or if you’d like to schedule an appointment!