Work Related Mental Health

Approximately 50% of the workforce is affected by mental health concerns every year. Most people spend the majority of their time at work, more time than with their spouse, friends, or immediate family. Because we spend most of our lives at work, it makes sense that workplace stress and the environment we work in directly contributes to our mental health (positively or negatively). Yet, most employees are unaware that unhealthy workplaces lead to poor mental health outcomes and reduced productivity and how counseling can help.

Healthy vs. Unhealthy Workplaces

A healthy workplace is one that promotes a positive culture and a supportive work environment. It’s one that fosters employee well-being and nurtures the health of the community in which it operates.

At a healthy workplace, employees feel valued and respected, they have opportunities to learn new skills, they feel they can be themselves while at work and they receive support when needed.

In contrast to this mantra are unhealthier workplaces where employees can experience pressure to work more hours than agreed upon or expected; poor communication from and to management; bullying behaviors from their colleagues; low pay with no opportunity for learning new skills or progression; an inability to take time off for sickness without fear of losing their job; feeling pressure not just to do well but also look good at all times (e.g. not being able to make and learn from mistakes).

Signs of an unhealthy workplace:

  • Increased sick leave and absences
  • Higher rates of stress, depression, anxiety, or burnout
  • Reduced productivity and work quality
  • Common causes of an unhealthy workplace:

    • Stress from bullying, hostile communication, or harassment
    • Poor work-life balance (i.e. working too much without enough down-time or family time)
    • Lack of support from managers and colleagues
    • Indirect communication that creates workplace hostility, gossip, and unresolved problems that fester
    • Feeling like you “don’t belong” or aren’t appreciated for your role or how you contribute to the workplace
    • Working in a culture that prioritizes profit or numbers over people
    • Working in a chaotic, disorganized environment where it’s hard to find structure and build mastery

    Counseling for Work-Related Mental Health

    Working with a therapist or counselor on Work-rlated mental health concerns can help in the following ways:

    • Helping to identify the ways your work place may contribute to your mental health concerns
    • Learning what a healthy work place is and how to communicate your concerns
    • Helping you set boundaries and learn healthy ways to communicate
    • Learning skills and strategies for reducing stress, emotion regulation, and reducing burnout
    • Supporting transition (when needed) out of an unhealthy work place

    Therapy and Counseling for Work-Related Mental Health in Wichita

    Learn more about mental health professionals that can help with workplace mental health by calling Soma Therapy at 316-201-6047 or filling out our contact form.