Anger Management & Counseling Services in Wichita

What are anger issues?

All of us get angry from time-to-time. It’s a perfectly normal and okay emotion. When people talk about “anger issues” and “anger management”, they are often referring to what they DO with anger. Anger becomes a problem when it gets out of control and comes out in harmful ways to others & ourselves. It becomes problematic when it causes us to do things that we regret or it impacts our ability to work or maintain healthy, long-term relationships. 

What do anger issues look like?

Anger can manifest itself in a number of different ways. Anger and aggression can be outward, inward, or passive.

  • Outward. This involves expressing your anger and aggression onto others or objects. This can include behaviors such as shouting, cursing, throwing or breaking things, or being verbally or physically abusive.
  • Inward. This type of anger is directed at yourself. It involves negative self-talk, denying yourself things that make you happy, or even basic needs, such as food. Self-harm, restricting food or pleasure, and isolating yourself from people are other ways anger can be directed inward.
  • Passive (or passive-aggressive). This involves using subtle and indirect ways to express your anger. Examples of this include giving someone the silent treatment, sulking, being sarcastic, eye rolling, and making snide remarks.

You may benefit from anger management therapy if:

  • You feel that your anger is out of control
  • Anger is one of your primary emotions
  • Your anger is impacting your relationships or job
  • Feelings of anger are hurting others or yourself
  • Frustration and angry emotions cause you to say or do things you regret
  • You’re verbally, emotionally, or physically abusive
  • Your anger causes you to shame yourself or isolate

How are anger issues treated? 

In most cases, anger management (or the symptom of anger) is best treated with a combination of behavior therapy, group therapy, and at times — medication. Certain modalities like trauma informed therapies (ART, EMDR, Somatic therapies, mindfulness) in conjunction with other therapies that target impulses & thought patterns like CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) and DBT (dialectical behavioral therapy) are often integrated into a treatment plan. What works best can depend on the person and their family system. Good treatment plans will include close monitoring, follow-ups, family & relational work, and making changes, if needed, along the way.

When should I call your office? 

If you or your loved ones have concerns about anger management, you can work with a specialist. At Soma Therapy, we can help! Call 316-201-6047 or fill out our contact form to get help & learn more about anger management resources today. We also often provide referrals in-town if we cannot connect you with the right resources within Soma Therapy. 

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