Psychosis Treatment in Wichita

What is Psychosis?

Psychosis is a mental disorder where one’s thoughts and perceptions are altered. Psychosis can be associated with many psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. The most common symptom of psychosis is hallucinations—seeing or hearing things that aren’t there and delusions (strong beliefs in something untrue) and disorganized thinking.

What are hallucinations and delusions?

Hallucinations are false perception of objects or events that often involve your sight or hearing. Hallucinations can also impact your sense of touch, smell, and taste. These sensory experiences are not based in reality and are instead created by your mind. Some common forms of hallucination include seeing a person who isn’t there or hearing voices that no one else hears.

Delusions are beliefs that aren’t based in reality but seem very real to the person who has them. For example, someone with schizophrenia might think someone can read their mind or that aliens are controlling their thoughts and actions.

Hallucinations and delusions may be caused by psychosis, side effects of medications or drugs, or physical illnesses like epilepsy. If you or a loved one suffer from hallucinations or delusions, it’s important to visit a psychologist or neurologist to get a full evaluation and treatment plan.

Treatment for Psychosis

Treatment for psychosis often includes psychotherapy and medications to treat the symptoms. Psychotherapy helps a person struggling with psychosis understand and recognize their delusions and hallucinations. Additionally, therapy can help clients with psychosis better tolerate and manage delusions and hallucinations. Medications can help reduce the frequency and intensity of hallucinations or delusions.

Psychosis Doesn’t Discriminate

Psychosis can affect people of any age and is not necessarily a sign of mental illness, such as schizophrenia. Psychosis is a symptom of many mental health disorders, including major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia.

While psychosis may be most often associated with young adults, it also occurs in older adults as well. Some research suggests that the risk for experiencing psychosis increases as you grow older and that some older adults who experience psychosis might have an increased risk of developing dementia over time.

Psychosis Therapy and Medication Management in Wichita

Psychosis can affect anyone, and it’s important to know these symptoms so you can get help when needed. If you or someone you love experiences any of these symptoms, please contact a mental health professional. To get connected with a therapist or medication manager who works with psychosis or learn more about psychosis treatment, call Soma Therapy at 316-201-6047 or fill out our contact form.