Wichita Therapists
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Breanna Johnston, Licensed Masters Level Psychologist
East Office: 8100 E 22nd St N, #800 Suite 100, Wichita KS 67226
Call: 316-201-4390 | Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person Virtual
Cissy Jo Stile, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Central Office: 825 N Waco Ave, Suite 200, Wichita, KS 67203
Call or Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person
Donya Anderson, Licensed Professional Counselor
East Office: 8100 E 22nd St N, #800 Suite 100, Wichita KS 67226
Call: 316-201-4390 | Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person
Dr. Yolonda Farrar, Licensed Masters Level Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor
College Hill Office: 3219 E Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67218
Call or Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person Virtual
Emily Boughton, Licensed Professional Counselor
College Hill Office: 3219 E Douglas Ave, Wichita, KS 67218
Call or Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person Virtual
Kelsey Ball, Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor
Central Office: 825 N Waco Ave, Suite 200, Wichita, KS 67203
Call or Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person Virtual
Laura Corey, Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker
West Office: 2544 N Maize Ct, Suite 100, Wichita KS 67205
Call: 316-364-3911 | Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person
Rebecca (Becky) Perry, Licensed Professional Counselor
West Office: 2544 N Maize Ct, Suite 100, Wichita KS 67205
Call: 316-364-3911 | Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person
Renee Weissler, Licensed Specialist Clinical Social Worker
Central Office: 825 N Waco Ave, Suite 200, Wichita, KS 67203
Call or Text: 316-201-6047
Seeing Patients in: In Person Virtual