Soma had a blast at Girls on the Run Heart of Kansas 5k this past Sunday! Grateful to make resiliency stones with girls and their families and support this awesome cause. Resiliency stones are stones that remind us of mantras, hope, or positive things to place where we can see them throughout the day or […]
Top 3 Skills To Make Your Relationships Successful
It’s likely obvious that successful relationships require more than 3 skills, however, if we are going to pick the skills (or tools in the tool belt) that would likely provide the best bang for your emotional energy, here are the top 3 that I would recommend. As a therapist that is trained systemically, and helped […]
Art Therapy to Heal Trauma
“She (Margaret Naumburg) believed that the practice of expressing oneself in artwork enabled unconscious feelings to be identified in the artwork even prior to one’s conscious recognition of the feeling.”
Eating Disorders: A Crash Course for Patients
Eating Disorders and Shame For many clients there is a lot of shame and secrecy around their eating disorder. It’s best to introduce this topic with sensitivity and empathy. You can begin by asking your patients about what their diet and exercise regimen is like, and from there ask more direct questions like the ones […]